
如果你不是在找学位,但仍然想挑战自己,学习新的东西, our nondegree program is just the adventure you’re looking for.  

我们欢迎您参加威尼斯人博彩的兼职或全职课程,而无需在威尼斯人博彩攻读学位. Nondegree students generally don't quality for financial aid.


Take classes alone or as part of one of 这些 off-campus and distance learning 机会.



If you wish to take undergraduate classes on-campus, on either a part-time or a full-time basis, but are not seeking a degree at 威尼斯人博彩, you should apply as a nondegree undergraduate.


被考虑录取, you must submit the following documents: a nondegree 应用程序 for admission, official high school transcript, a letter of permission from parent or guardian, and a letter of support from your school counselor. In addition, if you wish to take the Iowa State courses through the Post-Secondary Enrollment Options Act (PSEOA), you must also submit the PSEOA form.

Applicants who at minimum rank in the top half of their graduating class, 谁符合他们希望在威尼斯人博彩注册的课程的所有必要先决条件, 那些在高中时在各自的学科领域取得高分的人通常会被录取.

If you have not yet attended another university, 如果你的高中成绩在班上名列前茅,你就可以申请入学

You must have completed the following high school courses: 4 years of English, 3 years of math (including one year each of algebra, 几何和高等代数), 3 years of science (including one year each of two of the following: biology, chemistry and physics) and 2 years of social science. You do not need to send your high school transcript.

If you have not yet attended another university, 如果你在GED考试中得分超过50百分位,你就可以申请入学. You must have completed the following high school courses: 4 years of English, 3 years of math (including one year each of algebra, 几何和高等代数), 3 years of science (including one year each of two of the following: biology, chemistry and physics) and 2 years of social science, 或者你可以通过在GED考试中达到特定科目的第75百分位的分数来满足个别课程的要求.

如果你在另一所认可的学院或大学完成了至少24个学期的可转换课程学分,并且你至少获得了2个学分,你就有资格申请入学.25转绩点, 你将被批准入学(注意:获得副学士学位的申请人可能至少被录取为2.00转学分绩点).

如果你完成了少于24个学分的可转换课程, you must also meet the requirements listed above for high school graduates. You do not need to send your previous college transcripts. You may be asked to document that you have met specific course prerequisites.


For the purpose of applying for admission to 威尼斯人博彩, 只有当你在一个以英语为主要语言的环境中长大时,英语才可以被视为你的主要语言 只有 official language of your locality and nation, and English has been the primary language used in your home.


International students transferring from a U.S. 大学:如果你已经完成了一门相当于威尼斯人博彩英语150或英语250的课程,并且获得了认可的美国大学英语学院B级或更高的成绩,则可以免除英语能力要求.S. two-year or four-year college or university.

Option Minimum Score or Grade Required
托福考试 托福网考成绩为71分,写作和口语成绩最低为17分
Paper-Based 托福考试 (PBT) score of 530
雅思考试 总分6分.0分,没有分值低于5分.5
PTE 得分48分
如果进行了测试 之前 to March 2016, Critical Reading (CR) score of 420
行为 英语分19分

以上任何一门考试的成绩必须由考试机构直接寄到威尼斯人博彩. Scanned copies, photocopies, and web results are not accepted. Below is the 威尼斯人博彩 reporting code used by each testing agency:

测试机构 威尼斯人博彩校规
托福考试 6306
行为 1320
雅思考试 雅思考试 does not utilize institutional codes
PTE PTE does not utilize institutional codes

If you have a Student Visa or Exchange 访问or Visa, 并需要威尼斯人博彩的F-1或J-1签证资格表(表格I-20或表格DS-2019), 你必须提交你上一所学校的正式成绩单. 您还应提供足够的经济资源证明,以支付您在逗留期间全日制学习的学费和生活费用 估计费用.这是必要的,以满足美国的需求.S. government requirements in issuing the visa eligibility form. (International students at other U.S. 想要参加暑期课程的大学不需要威尼斯人博彩的签证资格表格.)


If you have been charged with a violation of law, 您可能需要向大学提供所有官方文件的副本,解释程序的最终处置.

If your records have been expunged pursuant to applicable law, you are not required to answer yes to that question on the 应用程序. An answer of yes will not automatically exclude you from admission, but it will be considered when evaluating your 应用程序. If you are unsure whether you should answer yes to this question, we suggest that you answer yes and fully disclose all incidents. 通过这样做,你可以避免任何纪律处分或撤销录取的风险.


If you wish to take graduate classes on campus, on either a part-time or a full-time basis, but are not seeking a graduate degree at 威尼斯人博彩, you should apply as a nondegree graduate student.

如果你已经获得了本科或高级学位的学院或大学认可的美国.S. 区域认证协会和累计本科平均绩点为3.00/4.00, you are eligible to apply as a nondegree graduate.

If you earned your degree from a non-U.S. 被该国教育部认可的学院或大学, the degree is comparable to a US bachelor's, and your academic performance is deemed similar to a 3.00/4.根据招生办公室的评分标准,你有资格作为非学位毕业生申请.

请在申请表上注明你获得学位的院校名称, the full name of the degree you obtained, and the month and year it was earned, 以及你的GPA. 大学保留与你以前的学校核实这些信息的权利。.

如果小于3.累积绩点00, 你可以通过提交你的官方成绩单和一封表明你作为非学位研究生入学的教育目标的信来要求个人审查.

If you wish to later apply for an advanced degree at 威尼斯人博彩, you will need to submit a degree-seeking graduate 应用程序, 申请费, and official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended.

If you are admitted to a graduate degree program, 你的学习计划委员会将向研究生院推荐你的非学位研究生课程(如果有的话)将计入你的学位课程, up to a maximum of nine semester credits.

If English is not your primary language, 你需要在上课前证明你已经达到了大学的最低英语水平要求. This can be done by submitting one of the following items:

  1. An Internet-Based 托福考试 score of 79
  2. A Paper-Based 托福考试 score of 550
  3. 雅思成绩6分.5
  4. A bachelor's, master's, or doctorate degree from the U.S. or a country in which English is the 只有 official language

If you have a Student Visa or Exchange 访问or Visa, 并需要威尼斯人博彩的F-1或J-1签证资格表(表格I-20或表格DS-2019), 你必须提交你上一所学校的正式成绩单, and a statement of your educational goals for enrolling as a nondegree graduate.

您还应该提供足够的经济资源证明,以支付您在逗留期间全日制学习的学费和生活费用(审查) 估计费用.这是必要的,以满足美国的需求.S. government requirements in issuing the visa eligibility form. (International students at other U.S. 想要参加暑期课程的大学不需要威尼斯人博彩的签证资格表格.)


你不应该 apply as a Nondegree Graduate Applicant. 在 应用程序 页面.

If you have been charged with a violation of law, 您可能需要向大学提供所有官方文件的副本,解释程序的最终处置.

If your records have been expunged pursuant to applicable law, you are not required to answer yes to that question on the 应用程序. An answer of yes will not automatically exclude you from admission, but it will be considered when evaluating your 应用程序. If you are unsure whether you should answer yes to this question, we suggest that you answer yes and fully disclose all incidents. 通过这样做,你可以避免任何纪律处分或撤销录取的风险.